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Friday, February 27, 2015

Joven Emprendedor

Creo yo, que existimos muchos jóvenes con un hambre de emprender y comernos el mundo de los negocios de una sola mordida pero muchas veces por alguna u otra razón no siempre podemos lograr nuestras metas o propósitos. Existimos otros jóvenes  con mucha iniciativa e ideas brillantes, pero no sabemos por dónde empezar o no contamos con suficientes recursos para llevar a cabo algún proyecto. Este es un problema con el cual nos enfrentamos los jóvenes día a día. Tenemos las ganas, las ideas, la creatividad; pero muchas veces falta lo más importante, el dinero, el cual es difícil de conseguir ya sea porque nuestros padres o los adultos no tienen fe en nosotros o porque no cuentan con la capacidad económica para apoyar.
Es por esa razón, entre otras, que aprovecho para platicarles de un apoyo muy padre y conveniente para nosotros los jóvenes emprendedores! Si estas interesado en poner un negocio en Ciudad Juárez o mejorar el negocio que ya tienes, el INADEM te puede ayudar, ya que acaba de sacar apoyos para jóvenes de hasta 80 mil pesos a fondo perdido! Lo único que tienes que hacer para solicitar uno de esos apoyos es tomar un curso en línea, impartido por ellos, por ese medio el INADEM te ayudara a realizar tu plan de negocios, o bien mejorar el que ya tienes. Al terminar el curso presentas tu plan de negocios y en base a el costo de tu proyecto te dan un apoyo de hasta 80 mil pesos! Creo yo que es la oportunidad que muchos jóvenes han estado esperando, así que ahora no habrá más excusas para no hacer tu proyecto realidad!
Para iniciar, métanse a la página y ahí viene toda la información!

Eric Valdes | Guest Blogger 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Beneficial Technology

     It is common knowledge that most Hispanics working in the United States have part of their families living in their country of origin or say where they ancestors decided to stay. Countries such as Mexico, where most Hispanics send money back home to their families has become a great deal for monetary banks to help these Hispanics transfer money, but sometimes at a high cost compared to the total money people actually send.
Entrepreneur Marco Montes saw this problem as a door for opportunity to help. As he said in a recent interview conducted by writer Chloe Hurt for Ripple, Mr. Montes says: "As a result, I decided to build a transparent, efficient, and simple service, one accompanied with financial education, to tackle this problem at the core, to disintermediate the bad guys, and empower those who need the most help.

He developed an application called Saldo.mx that people can download from Google Play app store. Anyone from the U.S. can send money to pay utilities bills back in Mexico. What is interesting about this application is that "There are already at least 500 people using Saldo.mx for cross-border utility payments. What’s truly exciting to me though is that many of our customers are using the platform for small transactions, such as 10 or 20 pesos. So they’re sending the equivalent about $1 USD. With the current system, those kinds of transactions simply aren't feasible." Mr. Montes explains.
The application works with several Mexican companies from where you can pay another's person bills, so people here can send money right away from their mobile device. People using the application can also check previous movements of their money and current money balance.
With all being said, this could be used as a good example for noticing how people in common and millennials  are being and becoming more technology savvy and adapting this to needed activities of their daily lives, this, apart from the opportunity of new business. 
CfHE | Carla Villaverde 
Ripple | http://goo.gl/UlHAoD
SaldoMX | Saldo.mx

Friday, February 13, 2015

From a Valentine's Day disaster to an entrepreneur success

Entrepreneurs seek to find problems with every day obstacles.

Even in days like this weekend's national holiday of Valentine's Day, why not mention some of the loving that seems to be swirling around the media.

In an article from written by Carly Okyle talks about how a terrible situation occurred on a day that couples seem to focus on. A booked night at an elegant hotel ruined plans for Kevin Yu and his girl friend. He ended up coming with an idea that most women would love. He decided to attempt to pull off a home cooked meal for his girl friend. Quickly trying to search for online recipes and YouTube videos, the dinner was a complete disaster. Little did he know he was stirring up more than a fancy dinner.

From this event, Yu came up with an app that allows those who use it an easy, step-by-step tutorial into cooking "fancy" meals with just a click away.

Keeping up to date with technology and problems allowed this individual create a business.
Success has been a part of this story of Yu, named "Best Apps of 2014" by USA Today.

What keeps people hiding from their potential disasters?  Could it be because you are afraid to fail? But what if you succeed?

Lydia Gonzalez